We are in the process of collecting the data for those who have participated in rating themselves on the Antimicrobial Stewardship CDC Recommendations which is one of the items of a good antimicrobial stewardship program – collaborating with the community.
If you have NOT participated in the survey and you are from an Acute Care/Long Term Care/Critical Access facility please click the link below to complete: https://nvhealth.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b2sMZvfK8FgpIWO
The intent of the survey is:
- Connect community stakeholders with a partners to assist with issues
- Document collaboration of community partnership in Antimicrobial Stewardship per CDC Recommendation
- Partner with NV ASP to assist with identifying focus for strategic goals
The tool is not meant to be all inclusive, only to highlight the current status per the facility’s own review. The tool allows facilities to highlight where they can offer assistance to other facilities in need, and to collaborate within the community regarding Antimicrobial Stewardship.
Participating hospitals who have shared status of the facility’s program will be included in the aggregate analysis.
Main Elements are:
- Leadership Commitment: Dedicating necessary human, financial and information technology resources
- Accountability: Appointing a single leader responsible for program outcomes. Experience with successful programs show that a physician leader is effective
- Drug Expertise: Appointing a single pharmacist leader responsible for working to improve antibiotic use.
- Action: Implementing at least one recommended action, such as systemic evaluation of ongoing treatment need after a set period of initial treatment (i.e. “antibiotic time out” after 48 hours)
- Tracking: Monitoring antibiotic prescribing and resistance patterns
- Reporting: Regular reporting information on antibiotic use and resistance to doctors, nurses and relevant staff
- Education: Educating clinicians about resistance and optimal prescribing